Kevin Wants to Thank You

Kevin Wants to Thank You

“Life is good and getting better every day.”

Kevin remembers when he was a little boy, sitting on his bed with his hands pressed over his ears to drown the sound of his parents fighting in the next room. “My father was being violent with my mother again,” he says. “I always said I’d never be like that.”

His parents divorced when Kevin was just five, and he lived with his mother from then on, but the seeds of anger had already taken root. “I’ve had feelings of rage ever since I was a kid,” he says. “Early on, I tried drugs or drank to suppress my feelings, but I was always angry anyway.”

By his early 20s, Kevin had begun injuring himself to release his pain. “I jumped through windows and punched walls. I even cut myself once. And it was always while I was drinking,” he says. “I was destroying myself.”

His fiancée often pleaded with him to get help, and one day, in a moment of clarity, he agreed. It was then he entered our Life Change Program, where he found spiritual and emotional healing through chapel services, Bible studies and counseling. “I surrendered my life to the Lord and realized how self-centered my anger had been,” he says.

“Now I put God first and I care about other people’s feelings.”

Kevin graduated from the program and is staying with a friend while he looks for work and a home for himself and his future wife. In the meantime, he volunteers here at the Mission, encouraging the new men in the program. “I tell them that I was once right where they are and that the program works,” he says. “I really enjoy helping them.”

Because of your generosity, Kevin’s once angry heart is now filled with thanksgiving… and God’s love. “Coming to the Mission is the best thing that ever happened to me. Life is good and getting better every day because I keep God first and I do the right things.”

To read our Fall 2019 issue of The Lifeline, click here.

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Kevin’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?