Substance Abuse Program

Life Change, Market Street Mission – Jersey Shore’s No-Fee Substance Abuse Recovery Program.

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Life Change is Market Street Mission – Jersey Shore’s long-term Christian substance abuse program that includes 12-step work, individual and group counseling, and education and job training.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

II Corinthians 5:17

Substance abuse has become a major epidemic in the world today, and it doesn’t have bias in who it affects. Addiction does not discriminate amongst age, race, or economic backgrounds and it has become an enemy to our way of life. Substance abuse not only affects the individual, but families, communities, and our economy. Our program is focused on fighting the pandemic of substance abuse and gives men the tools they need to change their heart and to start living a new life without drugs, as they begin to  learn the joys of sober living.


The Market Street Mission – Jersey Shore Substance Abuse Program works in concert with Market Street Mission, our parent organization in Morristown, NJ. Men in need of help in the South Jersey area can begin in Pre-Program here at our Asbury Park location.

Pre-Program is 2 months long and is designed to determine if a man can benefit from our substance abuse program. During this time, the Mission provides everything the resident needs, including meals, a bed in our dorm, clothing, and medical evaluation at a local clinic. Each resident attends individual and group counseling, Bible studies, chapel services, NA/AA meetings, and also receives a work therapy position. Our programs are designed help our clients develop positive routines and find alternative resources and solutions for their struggles rather than returning to substance abuse. We believe in changing the man from within.

After this initial period of Pre-Program, the resident will transfer to the Market Street Mission to complete the remainder of the program. He will continue with work therapy, counseling, and recovery meetings, spend time in our Learning Center to meet his educational goals, and complete a period of classroom instruction in a variety of topics related to addiction recovery and living a responsible, sober life. More information about the Market Street portion of the program can be found on our website.



Our Relapse Prevention Program is designed to assist Mission graduates who have relapsed into substance abuse or homelessness. The program is approximately 2-3 months long and includes many of the elements of Pre-Program, with the addition of relapse-prevention-specific counseling and the requirement to work with a 12-step sponsor.

If the resident successfully completes the Relapse Prevention Program, he is eligible to stay up to an additional 3 months for “transition.” During this phase, the resident continues to be accountable to the Mission while also working and saving money. Following transition, many of the men move into local sober houses or return home.






Men who complete the Life Change Program may be invited to become a Mission Intern. The Mission Internship is built on II Timothy 2:2 – “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” As Program graduates, Mission Interns are equipped and entrusted to carry the message of the Gospel of hope to those coming to us for help while continuing to work on their addiction recovery.

Following graduation, training for the internship begins at the Market Street Mission – Jersey Shore, where the interns assist staff with vital Mission functions. In return, the Mission continues to work with the interns on personal, relational, and career and educational growth. The internship also provides continued accountability, structure, housing, counseling, and training for those who participate. Interns act as mentors for new clients struggling with substance abuse as they have personally experienced the benefits of our program. The program can last up to two years following graduation.



Education is a key factor in breaking the cycle of addiction. Opportunities to grow and learn often open the door to meaningful employment, which is important in maintaining long-term sobriety.

Our Alumni Scholarship Fund exists to pay for educational needs for our Life Change Program graduates and alumni. The fund is designed to help our graduates fulfill their life mission of recovery in order to live stable, productive lives in our community while pursuing their God-given skills and interests. In recent years, several of our alumni have graduated with degrees in clinical mental health counseling, Biblical studies, and alcohol and drug counseling. Others have received certifications as electrical contractors, medical translators, and Certified Peer Recovery Specialists. Click here to learn more.



Upon successful completion of our program, some clients have the opportunity to live in one of our sober houses. This is an opportunity for the graduate to live in a supportive sober community while continuing the practices they have learned in our substance abuse program. We believe that community is important in long term addiction recovery and we are happy to have a process for men to continue their growth.